Welcome to Kemyshopping Business Owners

We are thrilled to introduce you to the Business Owners on Kemyshopping! This premium membership is designed for established businesses and brands looking to scale their online presence, streamline operations, and maximize sales. Here’s everything you need to know before registering as a Business Owner on Kemyshopping.

Why Choose US ?

With the Business Owners Membership, you gain access to a powerful suite of features tailored to help you manage your store efficiently, reach more customers, and grow your business. Here are the key benefits and features available to you:

1. Register as a Seller

  • Create Your Account: Fill out all necessary details, including your business name, contact information, and product categories.
  • Verification: You’ll receive a confirmation email. Once verified, you can proceed to list your products.

2. Product Preparation

  • Product Listings: Prepare a detailed description, high-quality images, and accurate pricing for each product.
  • Compliance: Ensure that all your products comply with our marketplace policies (e.g., no counterfeit goods, safety standards, etc.).
  • Shipping Requirements: Products must be packed securely and labeled correctly, ready to be shipped to the KemyShopping warehouse.

3. Shipping Products to KemyShopping Warehouse

  • Shipping Method: We use a Pudo-to-Pudo shipping method for transferring products to our warehouse. This allows you to send your products from one Pudo point to our designated KemyShopping warehouse location.
  • Steps to Ship:
    1. Package your products securely.
    2. Visit the nearest Pudo drop-off point.
    3. Use the details provided in your seller account to label the package (be sure to follow weight and size limits for Pudo shipments).
    4. Send the package to our warehouse for inspection.

4. Product Inspection & Approval

  • Inspection: Once your products arrive at our warehouse, they will undergo an inspection to ensure quality and compliance.
  • Approval: After passing inspection, your products will be listed on the marketplace.
  • Notifications: You’ll receive an email once your products are live on KemyShopping.

5. Managing Orders

  • Order Notifications: You’ll receive a notification when a customer orders your product.
  • Shipping to Customers: KemyShopping handles shipping from our warehouse to the customer, making the process seamless for you.
  • Inventory Management: Keep track of your inventory through your seller dashboard and ensure timely restocking if needed.

6. Payments & Fees

  • Commissions: A small commission is deducted on each sale you make, which goes towards maintaining the platform and warehouse operations.
  • Payouts: Payments are made to your bank account within 15 days of each sale. You can track your sales and commissions in your seller dashboard.

7. Handling Returns

  • Return Policy: We have a customer-friendly return policy, which allows buyers to return products within a specified time (usually 7–14 days, depending on the product).
  • Returns Process:
    1. Customer Initiates Return: If a customer wants to return a product, they will submit a return request through the platform.
    2. Inspection: Once returned to the KemyShopping warehouse, the product will be inspected to ensure it meets our return conditions.
    3. Notification: You’ll be notified of the return, and the returned product will be either restocked or sent back to you, depending on the condition.
  • Refunds: Refunds will be issued to the customer after inspection, and the sale will be voided on your account. The returned product may be eligible for resale, depending on its condition.

8. Customer Service Support

  • Customer Inquiries: KemyShopping handles the majority of customer inquiries, but for specific product-related questions, we may direct customers to you.
  • Responding to Questions: It’s important to respond to customer questions promptly to maintain good seller ratings.
  • Communication: All communications should happen through the platform’s messaging system to ensure transparency and track records.

9. Warehousing & Inventory

  • Product Storage: Once your products are delivered to our warehouse, we store them securely until they are sold. You won’t need to manage your own logistics, saving you time and costs.
  • Inventory Tracking: You can track your available stock through the seller dashboard. When inventory is low, you’ll be notified to send more products to the warehouse.
  • Warehouse Fees: Currently, warehousing is free, allowing you to store your products without any additional cost. This is a limited-time offer to help small businesses grow without the burden of storage expenses.

10. Promotions & Marketing

  • Product Visibility: We offer various promotional tools to help your products stand out, such as featured listings, discounts, and marketing campaigns.
  • Discounts: You can create discounts or special deals through your seller dashboard to attract more customers.
  • KemyShopping Ads: For increased visibility, you can choose to advertise your products directly on the platform. Ads will help place your products on the homepage or in high-traffic categories.
  • SEO Tools: Sellers have access to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools within their seller dashboard. You can optimize your product titles, descriptions, and keywords to ensure better search visibility both on KemyShopping and in external search engines like Google.
  • Social Media: KemyShopping promotes top products across our social media channels, helping increase your reach and attract more customers.

11. Seller Ratings & Feedback

  • Customer Reviews: After each sale, customers can leave reviews about the product and their experience. Maintaining high-quality products and excellent service will help you maintain good ratings.
  • Ratings Impact: Sellers with higher ratings are more likely to have their products featured on the platform, leading to more visibility and sales.
  • Improving Ratings: Respond quickly to inquiries, ship products on time, and maintain good quality to improve your ratings.

12. Seller Support & Resources

  • Seller Help Center: We offer resources and FAQs to help you manage your store on KemyShopping.
  • Support Team: If you face any issues or have questions, our dedicated seller support team is available to assist you.
  • Training & Webinars: From time to time, we hold training sessions and webinars to help you learn best practices for selling, managing inventory, and marketing.